What's New?
A chronological listing of all the new articles (or edits) applied to the page. This is as much to prove the content on the site is slowly growing, but also to help the bid committee quickly find newly published pages.
- From A Montrealer. We now have a blog.
- Supporting Us. Our registration site is now open. The content of the page was changed to reflect this change.
- Ookpik. I didn't want to loose this snippet of information about the Ookpik, it was originally hosted on the Supporting Us page.
- Core values. A general list of the bid's core values (now available at the bottom of each page).
- Poutine. New article.
- Smoked Meat. New article.
- A conversation... New article
- Imagery. Updated with attribution from images in the Poutine, Smoked Meat, and Bagels articles.
- Bid Committee. Updated the bios of Alexia Hebel, Kevin Stanlee, and added Paul Timmins (bio to come).
- Supporting Us. Updated information. Added links to the latest Montreal presupport form - Oct 24 2024.pdf
- Supporting Us. Updated information.
- $upporting Us. Added the links to the latest Montreal Presupport Form (PDF) and Presupport Descriptions USD 20 Oct 2024.pdf
- Bid Committee. Added a bio for Kevin Stanlee and Jill Michel (JillyBean).
- Home. Minor corrections.
- Upcoming Events. Listing the events from 2024-10-17 through 2024-12-08.