- We believe in treating ourselves, each other, and our diverse community with respect. This includes asking questions to better understand why things are being done as they are prior to problem-solving, understanding that other people have their own goals that will intersect with ours and working to facilitate this when possible and being inclusive in a practical manner. We also strive for courtesy and compassion in our behaviors where applicable.
- We believe in accepting all diverse geek communities.
- We believe in providing a culture of enjoyment of our shared genre interest. We'd like you to have fun in your fandom!
- We believe our community service is delivered with a willingness to listen, a problem-solving attitude and the ability to stay within our remit of hosting a Worldcon.
- We believe in being open-minded and sparing of judgment.
- We believe in taking risks, learning from our experiences and responding to communications in a timely fashion.
- We believe in being patient and honest.
- We believe in encouraging some innovations while staying within WSFS bylaws.
- We believe our actions should inspire volunteerism, confidence, and creativity.