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Support Us!

We hope you will consider joining us in Montréal and sampling more of Canadian culture for our Worldcon! No actual owls, snowy or otherwise, were harmed in the making of this bid. We cannot speak to the lemming population.

Go to to presupport our bid.

Our current bid members include:

 Bid-Committee [Presupport]  22
Bon Vivant [Presupport] 30
Edge Case [Presupport] 58
Ookpik [Presupport] 15
Pre-Oppose [Presupport] 3
Saw-Whet [Presupport] 20
Tundra Dwelling Lemming [Presupport] 51

Bid Prices and Levels of Support

You have a choice of how to presupport our bid. You will be charged in Canadian dollars and will see the converted rate in your currency on your bank statement.

Tundra Dwelling Lemming This is a donation only and has no membership tier. $30.00 CDN
Pre-Opposed This is also a donation only and has no membership tier. $40.00 CDN
Edge Case $30 of an Edge Case presupport will go toward your attending membership if you vote and we win. $70.00 CDN
Saw-Whet $100 of a Saw-Whet presupport will go toward your attending membership if you vote and we win. $140.00 CDN
Bon Vivant $165 of a Bon Vivant presupport will go toward your attending membership if you vote and we win. $205.00 CDN
Ookpik This gives you a free attending membership with WSFS rights if you vote and we win. $405.00 CDN

Are you going to a convention?

If it has a flyer table, please take along a few flyers. It's a great way to support us. The flyer is availble here: